Maria Shireen™ is a functional fashion accessories company. We design, produce and market three collections of our patented hair tie bracelets - b+sweet, bittersweet, and signature.
As is the case for millions of women around the world, I struggled with two things when it came to keeping my hair out of the way at the gym, at home with my little one, on the go at work, or out for the evening with family and friends. Keeping track of where my hair ties were, and managing the discomfort, not to mention unsightly look of those indentations on my wrists.
The bracelet started as a present created by my husband. The ever-observant engineer that he is, noticed my habit (a basic necessity!) of wearing an elastic band around my wrist. The problem was the elastic band was an eye sore and it left a dent around my wrist. My husband decided to solve the problem, and did it with style! He created a bracelet that eliminates the pressure from the elastic around the wrist and makes the hair tie look like a stylish bracelet by creating a channel that holds the hair tie in place. The idea was so simple, but so unique that he currently has a patent pending for the design!
When my husband surprised me with the bracelet he had it engraved with my name (Shireen Maria) in my mother's native language, Farsi. However, my Icelandic husband did not realize that Farsi is written from right to left (not left to right like English), so the engraving read "Maria Shireen." When translated to English "Maria Shireen" means "bittersweet" which is where the name of the bracelet was born. Thus began our journey to bringing this functional fashion accessory to women everywhere.
Our flagship product - bittersweet by Maria Shireen™ - is designed for sophisticated women on the go. At the gym, the office or out on the town.
Our b+sweet by Maria Shireen™ collection has two distinct lines. One for young ladies just getting started with us; the other... our exciting, durable line for kids, tweens and teens.
Since launching in early 2015, Maria Shireen has been sold in over 35 countries. Our promise is simple. We make functional fashion accessories that are smart and sophisticated, versatile and unique, just like the women, young ladies and girls who wear them.
Thank you for being part of the Maria Shireen family!